Accounting terms every business owner should know
Whether you’re a long-term business owner or a brand-new start-up, it is always a good idea to freshen up on your accounting basics. Even if you hire a professional accountant to help and assist with money matters, there is still a lot of value in understanding accounting terms and knowing a thing or two yourself….

A guide to bookkeeping
Bookkeeping is the process of recording and tracking financial transactions in a business. It is essential business admin, but it can be tough to know what tasks you need to do and how often you need to do them. Our guide to bookkeeping explains basic bookkeeping tasks that every small business owner or independent contractor…

Accountancy myths busted
The accounting profession is surrounded by myths, and although a growing number of businesses are using accounting services each year, some sole traders remain on the fence. At React Accountancy, we strive to change the narrative by providing a no-jargon accounting service with open and honest communication, so that you know you’re in reliable hands….

How can an accountant benefit your small business?
Running a small business and managing everything that comes with it can be tough. Hiring an accountant to manage your business accounts not only takes some pressure away but also ensures your small business benefits from expert accountancy. A great accountant can work with small and start-up businesses across all industries and provide clear financial…

3 ways to reduce corporation tax
If you are a director or owner of a company operating in the UK, you are liable to pay corporation tax. Corporation tax must be paid based on the company’s profits and on any gains from selling assets such as land, property, or shares. You will not receive a bill for corporation tax and your…

How to keep your business finances in order
How to keep your business finances in order Running any businesses is challenging, and you’ll often find that keeping on top of your business finances can often take a back seat. After all, when your busy doing what you love and running your business, it’s easy to see how day to day bookkeeping can be…