How to sell a limited company
People decide to sell their limited company for a whole host of different reasons. However, the vast majority of business owners will choose to sell their limited company for the following reasons: Retirement Profit driven Simply not wanting to run the business anymore. You can either sell your shares to a third party buyer,…
Reasons you should hire a small business accountant in 2022
Thinking of hiring a small business accountant in 2022? Read on. Running a small business can be incredibly challenging, especially when it comes to getting your business of the ground, maximising exposure, gaining funding to grow and ensuring that you do not overspend during those early days. And, from the moment you set up your…
Our guide to completing a VAT return
As soon as you reach the VAT threshold, which is currently £85,000, you will be expected to pay VAT on all taxable sales. However, you may also be entitled to claim back VAT that has been charged on business purchases. As part of this process, you will also need to submit a VAT return to…
What to do about deferred VAT payments – everything you need to know.
Back March 2020, when Covid first locked down the UK, HMRC announced that they would allow business owners to defer VAT payments due between 20 March 2020 and 30 June 2020 to 31 March 2021, helping struggling businesses during the pandemic. This came as welcomed news to many businesses operating across a diverse range of…
Government backed coronavirus loans – everything you need to know
Government backed coronavirus loans – everything you need to know Since the pandemic began wreaking havoc throughout the UK economy, the Government has been working hard to protect businesses across a diverse range of sectors, after many have been forced to close their doors during periods of lockdown. However, many businesses have found it difficult…
Furlough Scheme Extended in Response to Latest Lockdown
Furlough Scheme Extended in Response to Latest Lockdown As England and Scotland return to a full lockdown, the Furlough Scheme has once again been extended in order to support businesses and employees who are unable to work as a result of the restrictions. The scheme was originally due to end at the end of…
Covid 19 – What is happening to the furlough scheme?
The UK Government’s furlough scheme was first introduced in March 2020, in a bid to prevent mass redundancies as Coronavirus gripped the UK. Subsidising the wages of people who can’t do their jobs due to Covid-19 restrictions, or due to the fact that there simply isn’t enough work available, the furlough scheme has already been…
What are the latest changes to Coronavirus support for businesses?
What are the latest changes to Coronavirus support for businesses? | 4 minute read Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the world’s economy and has forced many businesses to have to shut their doors to the public. And, with a second wave of the virus just getting started, businesses and employees have been…