Everything you need to know about paying tax on dividends in 2022/23
Paying tax on dividends in 2022/23 | 4 minute read If you are both a director and a shareholder of a Limited company, one of the most tax-efficient way of earning an income is to pay yourself through a combination of salary and dividends. However, if you do not understand dividend payments or how much…

A guide to 2020/21 dividend rates in the UK
All limited companies operating throughout the UK, regardless of their size, should be aware of the 2020/21 dividend rates in the UK. This is because there are a whole host of dividend tax rates that affect how much money you can take from your company in the form of dividends. Understanding dividend rates is crucial…

How much dividend can I take?
Taking dividends is one of the most tax efficient ways to take money from a limited company. But what exactly are dividends and how much can you take? What are dividends? Dividends are the payments made to company shareholders from the business’ profits. So, if the business has made a profit, these earnings can be…

What is a dividend?
What is a dividend? | 4 minute read Many people have heard of the term “dividend”, however not everyone understands what a dividend is or how it works. In simple terms, a dividend is a sum of money that a limited company pays out to someone who owns shares in the company. It is a…