Tag: outsource payroll

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Financial Year-End Checklist

Financial Year-End Checklist | 2-minute read With the financial year drawing to a close and dare we say it, Christmas just around the corner, now is the perfect time for businesses of all different shapes and sizes to start thinking about getting their financial records in order. After all, a financial year-end checklist is essential…

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Autumn Statement 2023: Everything accountants needs to know

On November 22nd, chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered the autumn statement 2023 to the House of Common. The announcement focused on reducing debt, cutting tax, and backing British businesses. During his presentation, the chancellor introduced a several changes in attempt to grow the economy and reduce debt. Today, we look at these changes and explain what…

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What is National Payroll Week?

It’s National Payroll Week (NPW)! But what is National Payroll Week, who celebrates it, and why? If you’ve never heard of National Payroll Week before but would like your company to celebrate this year, keep reading. This blog will answer everything you need to know about National Payroll Week and includes some simple yet effective…