Tag: 2023 accountant

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Outsourced accounting misconceptions

This blog will address outsourced accounting misconceptions.  Outsourced accounting is a great way to improve efficiency and streamline operations. It provides businesses with peace of mind that their accounts are being taken care of and allows companies to grow at an accelerated pace. However, despite its popularity there are some misconceptions and myths around outsourcing…

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Autumn Statement 2023: Everything accountants needs to know

On November 22nd, chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered the autumn statement 2023 to the House of Common. The announcement focused on reducing debt, cutting tax, and backing British businesses. During his presentation, the chancellor introduced a several changes in attempt to grow the economy and reduce debt. Today, we look at these changes and explain what…

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Invoicing tips for small businesses

Keep reading to discover how our invoicing tips can help your small business maximise cashflow. Small businesses and small business owners need to create and issue invoices to ensure they get paid by customers and clients. Invoicing and billing are crucial to the success and stability of a small business. Incorrect or late invoicing can…

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World Savings Day: Protecting the future of your business

Keep reading to find out how you can protect the future of your business on World Savings Day.  Thinking about the future and saving money is important for businesses. It is wise to have a financial plan in place not only to protect your business from unexpected costs but to also prepare for growth and…

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Why hiring an accountant is an investment in your business

Hiring an accountant can play an important role in the supporting of your business. They offer a range of accounting services, from tax planning to finance management. Choosing to outsource to an accountant is a great investment in your business and can be invaluable to keep ahead of competitors and identify opportunities for growth. If…

tax return letter being printed from printer

How to check if you need to file a tax return 2025

This guide will explain what is Self Assessment and how to check if you need to send a Self Assessment tax return to HMRC.   What is Self Assessment? Self Assessment is way of paying income tax to HMRC. The idea of Self Assessment is that you are responsible for completing your tax return for…

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What is National Payroll Week?

It’s National Payroll Week (NPW)! But what is National Payroll Week, who celebrates it, and why? If you’ve never heard of National Payroll Week before but would like your company to celebrate this year, keep reading. This blog will answer everything you need to know about National Payroll Week and includes some simple yet effective…

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3 Benefits of hiring a small business accountant

Hiring an accountant is critical for your small business as they provide expert advice, recommendations, and support to improve your financial position. Not only that, but hiring an accountant also provides you with reassurance that your legal, financial, and tax responsibilities are being taken care of. A good small business accountant will offer you a…

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What does the Spring Budget mean for small businesses? 2023

Chancellor Jeremey Hunt has delivered his Spring Budget for 2023. From energy bill support to tax changes, here are the key announcements from the March budget that small businesses and small business owners need to know. Energy bill support Although the Spring Budget fell short of mentioning energy bill support specifically for businesses, the chancellor…